What is a Breakthrough?


What is a Breakthrough?

Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary defines a breakthrough as "an act or instance of moving through or beyond an obstacle."

I think that we all go through obstacles that we need victory over.  And sometimes, we do not know how to find success over our problems and try to deal with it on our own without trying for a good solution.

I remember going to a church service one Sunday morning and listening to a preacher talking about the many things that we go through and face, and then heard him talking about getting ready for victory over them and inviting God into our storms to receive our breakthrough. I had yet to hear words that spoke so personally to me until that very moment. The idea for the song “Breakthrough” came directly from that message. 

How many other people might be going through something that they need an encouraging word such as the one that I heard that might help them to get through it with success? How many times have we shared our situations with others who said things like, “you’ll be alright” or “I’ll help you if you need me,” and then they are never there or they shared it with their network of people who now also knows about your situation?


But when we take our burdens to the Lord, we do not have to worry about rumors being spread about the things we face or another person not coming through for you even though they promised to help. We can simply rest assured that our thoughts hit the right ears and the help that we need will be on the way without having to put more worry or stress into it.

“And this is the confidence 

that we have toward him, 

that if we ask anything 

according to his will he hears us. 

And if we know that he hears us 

in whatever we ask, we know that 

we have the requests 

that we have asked of him” 

(1 John 5:14-15 ESV).

And so, with that in mind, the song, “Breakthrough” was written by Brooklyn, NY singer/songwriter, Stephanie Jeannot (Featuring NYC-based Songwriter and arranger Jazz E Matt) © 2013, All Rights Reserved.


All lyrics by Stephanie Jeannot

Prrrl on keys

Charles Bartlett on trumpet

Clyde Bermingham on guitar

Herb Lewis on Saxophone

Richie Johnson on drums

Mark Payne on bass

Stephanie Jeannot on vocals

Jazz E Matt on vocals

Produced by Prrrl

A JNoteMusic Work


Check out the lyric video and sing along, as the words to the song have been added for you so that maybe, you might be able to find healing in whatever you are going through. Hope that this song blesses you today. Here is the link: https://youtu.be/4TtD9P6AyYA

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